Angle of the camera (camera angle) that dipergunnakan to take pictures of an object, it will affect the attitude of the audience. intercut conducted among high-angle and low angle will show the effects of a person who is or there is a psychological impression.
In a drama, one taken with a high angle shot will eliminate the impression of authority that subject. with low angle shot is the opposite to give strength to the subject.
There are 3 (three) types of camera angles, namely:.
Shot that gives the audience something superrioritas strength or flavor, this effect will be increased by increments of jaraki caused.
By karna iitulah high angle shot is made to reduce the sense of superiority and at the same time the subject will seem weak position, which means having the impression or the rank below the psychologically oppressed in general.
Shot this normal or common for decision subject to an equivalent or equal.
This is what makes the whole subject is taken is the same or equivalent regardless of the position.
With this shot makes the subject look nnampak have a more prominent force. Here a person (the subject) will kelihaatan power or authority or authority mempunyi psychological impression and a higher degree. as an example of a king, president.
Likewise, the movement will become more dramatic.
more close images more powerful effects
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